floatation tank at home how to make your own

How To Make Your Own Float Tank at Home

Float tanks, or sensory deprivation tanks, are a fantastic way to enjoy a luxurious, therapeutic experience in the comfort of your home. These tanks have gained popularity in recent years due to their calming, therapeutic effects on the mind and body.

While the cost of purchasing a new float tank can be expensive, you can create a sensory deprivation tank at home with suitable materials and tools, so you can invite friends and family to enjoy the experience. In its simplest form, a sensory deprivation tank is relatively easy to assemble and maintain. 

How to Make a Home-Made Sensory Deprivation Tank

Before you build your float tank, you’ll need to find a suitable area in your home with adequate space to enjoy your new sensory deprivation tank. There are some essential materials and supplies you’ll need to get started, including:

A large tank, small pool, or bathtub allows you to stretch thoroughly, plus an extra ten inches of water. If you choose an inflatable tank, you’ll need to ensure that the water isn’t overheated, which may impact the pool’s material.

  • To enhance the sensory deprivation experience in the tank, you’ll want to include sunglasses or a blindfold, black-out curtains or window shades, earplugs, and anything that keeps the room or area quiet and calm.
  • Epsom salts are ideal for maximizing the enjoyment of your float tank session. Epsom salts are best, and you can start with one or two large bags for your first experience.

How Much Salt is in a Sensory Deprivation Tank?

You’ll want to start with around 800 pounds of Epsom salt, or about six pounds for every gallon of water is what’s needed to float effortlessly. At this level, your body will be utterly buoyant in the tank.

where to buy a sensory deprivation tank for home

If you prefer to add a bit more, you can increase the amount to around 850 or 900 pounds. It’s essential to ensure you keep the amount at 800 pounds minimum to ensure proper saturation.

How to Make a Sensory Deprivation Tank in a Bathtub

If your bathtub is extended or large enough to stretch entirely, you can easily use a tub as your home float tank with extra space to spare. Since most standard bathtubs don’t provide adequate room to stretch, it’s recommended to use a high-quality inflatable pool or a large tank.

Ideally, you’ll want a tank that can withstand heated water, which is close to your body’s temperature. If you choose to build the tank from raw materials, it’s essential to source durable, waterproof, and heat-resistant items.

How to Install a Float Switch 

A float switch can be either mechanical or electronic and is installed directly into the tank. The switch alerts you there’s water or other items in the float tub. Your tank’s pump system must connect with the switch so that there is detection to determine the preferred water level.

You’ll need a counterweight to install the switch to ensure the float switch remains at an angle compatible with the water level. A cable is attached from the counterweight to the float switch to keep this balance and ensure that the switch functions well and detects water flow. This process will ensure the water level is maximized without overflowing the tank.

How Often Should you Change the Water?

Float tank spas tend to change their water more frequently due to having many people using the same pod or tank. On the other hand, you won’t need to change the water in your tank as often as it’s your sensory deprivation tank. In some cases, you can entirely change the water once every several months or longer, mainly if the water contains a high concentration of salt and is regularly filtered.

how much salt should be in a sensory deprivation tank

Epsom salts keep the water very clean, which prevents pathogens from growing in the water. It’s also essential to avoid placing any chemicals or other items in the tank, including wearing perfume or sprays when you enter, to keep the water as clear and clean as possible. If you install a filter in the tank, you can entirely refresh the entire tank effortlessly.

How Deep is a Float Tank?

Typically, a float tank is anywhere from one to two feet deep. If your tank is comprehensive, you’ll need to add more water and salt to ensure a depth that’s comparable to this range is achieved. When you use the float tank, you lie on your back and center inside the tank, so you can’t touch or feel the tub’s sides.

Unless your head is completely submerged, you can choose to wear earplugs, blindfolds, or other accessories to reduce sound and light and provide the whole sensory deprivation experience. It’s a great way to fully detach from everything and enjoy the calming sensation inside the float tank.

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